Gozo Island is a place of rolling hills and intricate valleys, parched in the summer but gloriously green the rest of the year. The island (14 by 7 km) is dotted with villages, their skyline dominated by domed, Roman Catholic churches and mediaeval watchtowers and fortifications. Gozo has several beautiful beaches, including Ramla Bay with its red sand, and a handful of secluded bays. The mysterious cart ruts at Ta’ Cenc, the Ggantija pre-historic temples and the curious rock formations in Dwejra are three of Gozo’s numerous attractions.
The natural beauty and history embedded in the island’s architecture make Gozo a compelling travel destination. The unhurried, warm hospitality of Gozo’s inhabitants makes you yearn to come back.
The Maltese archipelago is made up of mainland Malta, the sparsely populated island of Comino, a number of small uninhabited islands, and the island of Gozo, the northernmost island lying approximately 90 kilometres south of Sicily.
The weather in Gozo is distinctly Mediterranean in feel. The Gozo summers are long, hot and dry, with temperatures exceeding 30 degree Celsius. The Gozo winters are short and relatively mild, with temperatures rarely dropping below 15 degree Celsius. It rarely rains on consecutive days, and hardly ever rains from May to August.
Walking Routes
A recent initiative by the Ministry of Gozo has led to the identification of a walking route known as the Gozo Coastal Walk. This 55 km walk takes you around the entire island by a route that is as near to the coast as is practical. It is not a uniform path but a combination of earthen and limestone paths, town pavements and minor country roads, and includes some short sections without a well-defined path.
This wonderful coastal walk is geared towards those who subscribe to the view that the journey is the objective, not the destination, and it is recommended that it be undertaken in a relaxed manner. Gozitans and Maltese may decide to do the walk in short sections, spread over weeks or months. Foreign visitors will be attracted to undertaking the entire walk during a single visit to Gozo. The decision on what sections to undertake and over how many days will vary with personal circumstances.